보아오 포럼의 출발과 향후 전망
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1. 보아오 포럼의 출범
2. 보아오 포럼의 개요
3. 출범 의의 및 전망
4. 한국의 고려사항
요 약 2001. 2. 26~27 출범한 보아오 포럼(BFA: Boao Forum for Asia)은 아시아 국가들의 정부, 기업, 학계 및 정계 주요인사들간 역내경제, 사회분야의 주요 현안들을 논의하는 토론의 장으로서 다보스 포럼과 같이 비정부 차원의 국제회의임. 동 포럼은 역내국가들간 상호의존성 증대와 경제통합 촉진 방안들을 발굴하고, 다양한 제도적 네트워크를 구축하기 위한 것임.
향후 보아오 포럼의 실질적 성공을 위해서는 재정적 기여가 가능한 회원기업들을 다수 확보하는 것이 무엇보다도 중요한 관건인 바, 보아오 포럼의 정상화 여부는 향후 2~3년간의 초기 준비기간이 경과되어야 확실히 알 수 있을 것임.



he Vision, Mission and Strategies enunciated below.
Vision Statement
가 Strive to become the premier Form with strong Asian perspectives, promoting the development goals of Asian countries though greater regional economic integration and social responsibility
Mission Statement
Towards realization of the Vision, the Forum will endeavor to:
가 Provide a platform for high-level interactions between representatives of Asian Governments, business leaders and academic scholars to further and deepen trade and investment ties, promote partnerships and evolve an Asian perspective on emerging global economic challenges.
가 Gain deeper understanding of the diversity of the region through wider discussion of culture and the arts and foster a deeper sense of social responsibility amongst private enterprises within Asian.
가 Develop an enabling environment and strengthen synergies for the promotion and growth of business enterprise with the goal of attaining sustainable economic progress in the region.
가 Nurture and promote the concept of intra-regional institutional networking and region -wide strategic links with the objective of enhancing trade and investment opportunities arising form globalization, both within the region and in the rest of the world.
가 Provide intellectual leadership for developing human resources and further research on issues of importance, both internal to the region and its relationships with the rest of the world
The forum will pursue its Mission through the adopting and implementation of appropriate strategies, which will include:
1. convene conferences, seminars an workshops on a regular basis, to discuss important issues relating to Asian economic and social development, in particular in the areas of finance, trade, investment technology and environment protection.
2. Complement other regional and international initiatives to intensify and strengthen partnerships between governments and business enterprises in matters of trade and investment.
3. Monitor global and regional economic trends that impact on economies of the region.
4. Collate and disseminate information especially on emerging issues affecting trade and fiance and highlight new opportunities for regional cooperation.
5. Pursue both in-house and collaborative research activities that will contribute to the overall goals of the Forum.
6. Facilitate contacts between enterprises in the region through the development of networking arrangements.
7. To become a center for research and graduate training to equip Asian business communities with better management and technological capabilities.
We further agree that appropriate mechanisms be established to fulfill the ideals and objectives of the Boao Forum for Asia.
We are fully convinced that the Boao Forum for Asia will lead to a more prosperous and stable Asia living in harmony with itself and with the rest of the world.
Adopted on Feb 26th 2001 at Boao, Hainan, the People's Republic of China.
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수13페이지
  • 등록일2002.06.17
  • 저작시기2002.06
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#196239
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