맥도널드의 직무분석
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nts contributions and performance in personnel file.
Ensures that all daily paperwork, weekly inventories and statistical reports are completed accurately and on a timely basis.
4. Restaurant Leadership Assistant Management
Position Purpose
Recruits, leads and develops people to execute outstanding QSC &V, build sales and control costs to deliver optimum business results for an area of accountability Key customers include Crew, Shift Managers, and customers.
Principal Accountabilities
In addition to following McDonald's policies and procedures, principal accountabilities include, but are not limited to:
Demonstrates and reinforces the leadership behaviors and basic people minimums (uniforms, crew schedules, rap sessions, etc.) necessary to gain commitment from crew and leadership.
Executes a plan, based on an employee commitment measurement, to increase employee's loyalty, satisfaction and pride with the McDonald's experience.
Knows, enforces, and educates crew on all appropriate personnel policies, labor laws, security and safety procedures.
Recruits, selects and retains an optimum number of'crew and shift management who are enthusiastically dedicated to customer satisfaction.
Manages the development and training of crew and shift management employees, including crew initial and follow-up orientations.
Completes and presents performance appraisals based on defined goals and objectives for their employees in a timely manner.
QSC/sales Building
Maintains critical standards far raw aud finished product quality, service speed and quality, cleanliness and sanitation.
Models performance standards for all crew stations and maintenance as needed.
Executes plan, based on customer satisfaction measurement, to improve their guests'McDonald's experience and increase their loyalty.
Manages shifts and/or areas without supervision. Prepares shift changeover for the next manager
Effectively supports national and co-op promotions to maximize sales potential.
Supports my store (local store) marketing plans to maximize sales potential within the community.
Effectively schedules to build the business on all day parts.
Assists in the implementation of new products and procedures.
Properly executes, enforces and manages all food safety and sanitation requirements and practices.
Ensures all security procedures are executed (cash deposits, staggered method of open/close etc.)
Controls assigned P & L line items.
Controls food components, labor, waste, cash, and while managing shifts and/or areas.
Ensures that wage and hour policies and procedures are fallowed. (leaves of absence, regulations regarding the minor employment, breaks, etc.)
Uses proper security and verification procedures when handling deposits and the contents of the safe.
Maintains records for safety and appropriately documents conrtributions and performance in personnel file.
Completes assigned daily paperwork, weekly inventories and QCR reports.
  • 가격4,000
  • 페이지수20페이지
  • 등록일2004.04.04
  • 저작시기2004.04
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#245720
본 자료는 최근 2주간 다운받은 회원이 없습니다.
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