한국 애니메이션 산업의 활성화 방안 연구
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한국 애니메이션 산업의 활성화 방안 연구에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


ndustry with diverse production progress expanding the ways of expression with excellent images. The digitalization is now a general way of producing an animation. It not only enlarges the usage of animation images but also narrows the differences between a real movie and an animation, unifying into a visual genre.
Based on digital techniques, the domestic animation industry should understand the current problems and deliberate upon the appropriate solutions to ensure spontaneous competitiveness.
Firstly, animations evoke the audience's sympathy successfully only when pre-production is exhibited thoroughly followed by accurate market research and inventive planning. Profit maximization would be possible by the virtue of such efforts as pre-arranged plans, precise market research, selection of corresponding targets, and dvelopment of well-composed storylines and refined scenarios.
Apioneer marketing in the international stage is another important task to expand animation revenues and free the animation industry from the stiflingly small domestic market. International cooperation would alleviate the production cost risks, and promote a mutual collaboration in the aspect of sharing production know-hows, techinques and markets.
Therefore, the animation industry should concentrate on overcoming the limits of the local market and activate international cooperations in many ways. In addition to the development of wordly acceptable subjests and production system, the form of production, and the product itself allowing the result to be reflected and the know-hows to be accumulated later on.
Lastly, the government has formulasted diverse plans to embody the animation industry an a culture business value since the middle of 1990s, while developing various supporting infrastructures at the central and local governmental levels, repeating trials and errors and verifying existing policies.
The supporting polices succeeded in several parts of the industry. The government failed, however, to increase the influx of private fund due to the extension of domestic demands. There were also presented systematic problems such as weak connections between the government and organizations, duplication of supporting policies, and the ineffectiveness in budget allocations. Thus, systematic and professional supports shold be accomplished through the association among related organizations, efficient and appropriate distribution of fund and human resources.
Beyond just listing the policies, the effective programs should be processed flexibly to face the fast-changing industry environments through reforms, which include the improvement of investment enviroments, the cultivation of frofessional human resources, the reinvigoration of domestic demand base, the distributions. Last but not least, the industry and government should cooperate to mass-produce the 'star project' in an effort to find out the best way to overcome the stagnation in the feature-length animation business.
  • 가격4,000
  • 페이지수34페이지
  • 등록일2007.05.15
  • 저작시기2007.3
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#409644
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