방사선 붕괴-개념,종류
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방사선 붕괴-개념,종류에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. 일반적인 개념

2. beta(-)방출에 의한 붕괴

3. [beta(-), gamma]방출에 의한 붕괴

4. X-RAY(특성 X-RAY 포함)

5. 전자포획/gamma 방출

6. [beta(+), gamma]방출에 의한 붕괴

7. alpha 방출과 핵파괴에 의한 붕괴


nding energy is imparted to the conversion electron as kinetic energy.
(결합에너지를 제외한 초과 에너지는 운동에너지와 같은 형태로 conversion 전자에게 나눠진다.)
→ The orbital vacancy created by internal conversion is subsequently filled by an outer shell electron with the emission of characteristic -ray or Auger electrons.
(내부 변환에 의한 창생되어진 궤도의 정공은 그 후에 특성 X-ray나 Auger 전자를 방출하면서 보다 밖같쪽 전자에 의해 채워진다.)
※ Auger electrons are emitted by the daughter product when the resulting orbital electron vacancy is filled.
● Whether a -ray or a conversion electron is emitted is a matter of probabilities, which have characteristic values for different radionuclides. These probabilities are expressed in terms of the ratio of conversion electrons emitted to -rays emitted and denoted by (or for shell conversion electrons emitted).
● Internal conversion, like decay, results in the emission of electrons.
● Important differences
▶ In decay the electron originates from the nucleus, whereas in internal conversion it originates from an electron orbit.
▶ particles are emitted with a continuous spectrum of energies, whereas conversion electrons have a discrete series of energies determined by the differences between the -ray energy and orbital electron binding energies.
● Electron capture decay (inverse decay)(전자포획-붕괴의 역반응)
: An orbital electron is captured by the nucleus and combines with a proton to form a neutron. (핵의 의해 전자는 포획되어지고 양성자와 결합하여 중성자의 형태가 된다.)

→ The neutrino is emitted from the nucleus and carries away some of the transition energy(중성미자는 핵으로부터 방출되어지고 항상 변환에너지를 수반한다.)
→ Additional energy appears in the form of characteristic -ray and Auger electrons.(남는 에너지는 특성 X-ray나 Auger전자의 형태로 나타난다)
→ Electron capture decay is to the left because electron capture decreases the atomic number by one.
● In radioactive decay by positron emission, a proton in the nucleus is transformed into a neutron and a positively charged electron.
positron() : the antiparticle of an ordinary electron
● The positron then combines with an ordinary electron in a annihilation reaction, in which its mass and that of the ordinary electron are converted into energy.
⇒ Thus decay by emission ultimately result in the production of two 0.511 photons.
For this radionuclide,
3% of the nuclei decay by (EC, ) and 97% by (, )
● Nuclear fission is the spontaneous fragmentation of a very heavy nucleus into two lighter nuclei.
● Uranium Series ( Series)
: 각 방사성 핵종의 질량수는 의 형태 →
● Actinium Series ( Series)
: 각 방사성 핵종의 질량수는 의 형태 →
● Thorium Series ( Series)
: 각 방사성 핵종의 질량수는 의 형태

● Neptinium Series ( Series)
: 천연에는 존재하지 않는 계열로 각 방사성 핵종의 질량수는 형태

● The type of radioactive decay that occurs usually is such as to move the nucleus closer to the line.
▶ emission
: A radionuclide that is proton deficient (above the line) usually decays.
▶ electron capture / emission
: A neutron deficient radionuclide (below the line) usually decays.
▶ Heavy nuclides frequently decay by emission or by fission.
(these are modes that reduce mass number)


  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수27페이지
  • 등록일2008.04.15
  • 저작시기2008.3
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#461308
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