지구온난화 레포트 영작
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지구온난화 레포트 영작에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


idling, the use of public transportation, etc are the representative way.
These efforts may give rise to some inconvenience, but these contribute to the increase of the wealth of a nation on the whole by reducing energy consumption and the greenhouse gases emissions.
2) Conversion into eco-friendly goods in consumption pattern
In case of same function, to select goods of low environmental pollution load, for example, goods of high energy efficiency or low generation of waste is the best way.
If this consumption pattern is settled, producers will consider consumption propensity in manufacturing, therefore an economic structure itself will be converted into eco-friendly pattern. Buying goods with a high-efficiency rating and Eco Label is recommended.
3) Practice of the recycling of waste
Methane as one of greenhouse gases is generated mostly in the waste reclamation process, and the promotion of recycling can reduce waste brought in reclaimed land, therefore the amount of methane generated will be decreased. Also the decrease of the amount of incineration by the decrease of waste leads to the reduction of CO₂emissions generated in the process of incineration.
wastepaper recycling contributes to greenhouse gases reduction by slowing down the damage of forest resources.
4) Practice of planting and looking after trees
Trees are good CO₂ Sink. For example, nations overgrown with forests such as Northern Europe don't feel burdened much greenhouse gases reduction thanks to the copious amount of absorption.
Global warming cannot be disappeared completely in so far as mankind survive but we can decrease the speed enough. But we need much time and effort. The reason is that the capacity of nature is so big but the recovery of expressed environmental change is difficult and hard considerably.
We have to use energy more efficiently and concentrate our efforts on development of alternative energy, not fossil energy. Maybe even now street lamps light up at a place of the downtown in the daytime. When can sacrifice due to environmental disruption make realize its mistake by itself and find the right way? Environmental problems depend on not you and me but the whole world.
  • 가격1,700
  • 페이지수9페이지
  • 등록일2008.12.16
  • 저작시기2007.1
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#505912
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