[모의 실습 보고서-Lesson Plan] 중등 영어) Middle School English : Lesson 5. What is friendship? (Period 1~9 & 프리젠테이션 & 교과서 발췌)
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[모의 실습 보고서-Lesson Plan] 중등 영어) Middle School English : Lesson 5. What is friendship? (Period 1~9 & 프리젠테이션 & 교과서 발췌)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Ⅰ. Lesson Plan
Lesson 5. What is friendship?

 Unit Plan : Middle School English 1 (by Sinsago)
 Period 1 - Lesson Plan : Warm-up, Time to Listen 1
 Period 2 - Lesson Plan : Time to Listen 2
 Period 3 - Lesson Plan : Time to Talk 1
 Period 4 - Lesson Plan : Time to Talk 2
 Period 5 - Lesson Plan : Time to Read / Read and Do
 Period 6 - Lesson Plan : Word Focus
 Period 7 - Lesson Plan : Grammar in Use
 Period 8 - Lesson Plan : Time to Write
 Period 9 - Lesson Plan : Get Together

Ⅱ. 프리젠테이션
Lesson 5. What is friendship?
 슬라이드 1
 슬라이드 2
 슬라이드 3
 슬라이드 4
 슬라이드 5
 슬라이드 6
 슬라이드 7
 슬라이드 8
 슬라이드 9

Ⅲ. 교과서 발췌 내용
Lesson 5. What is friendship?

 <P78> Time to Listen 1
 <P79> Time to Listen 2
 <P80> Time to Talk 1
 <P81> Time to Talk 2
 <P82> <P83> Time to Read
 <P84> <P85> Read and Do
 <P87> Grammar in Use
 <P90> <P91> Self-Check


dle school boys.
How is the story?
It's .
What useful lessons can we learn from the story?
First, be to everybody. Second, everybody is at something. Third, different people can well together.
Listen and check. In pairs Practice the dialog.
A: What is the book about?
B: It is a story about friendship between two middle school boys.
A: How is the story?
B: It's great.
A: What useful lessons can we learn from the story?
B: First, be kind to everybody. Second, everybody is good at something. Third, different people can work well together.
학습활동책 Time to Read pp. 81 - 83

Grammar in Use
the superman
his strong body.
his smart brain.
flowers on her birthday.
★ Complete the sentences.
□ him □ her □ them
□ an apple □ a present □ 20,000 won
1. Jiwon is hungry. Can you give ?
2. Jimin and Jiho don't have any money. So their mom gives .
3. It's Chris's birthday today. So Jiwon gives .
does not have
any friends.
some useful lessons.
does not = doesn't
★ Circle the correct words and the correct pictures.
1. I don't want (some / any) juice, but I have (some / any) milk.
2. I don't want (some / any) cake, but I'd like (some / any) chocolates.
학습활동책 Grammar in Use pp. 84 - 85

1. Listen and circle the correct picture.
A: Ouch! Oh, my leg really hurts. I can't walk. Can you help me, please?
B: Sure. Hold my arm.
A: Thank you, Chris.
2. Listen and check () the correct box.
Kevin is very smart but he cannot walk or run. He is also very small. So kids are not kind to him.
Kevin ( □ can / □ can't ) walk or run.
He is also very ( □ small / □ big ).
Kids ( □ are / □ are not ) kind to Kevin.
B Read the dialog and choose the best answer.
1. Ouch! Oh, my toe hurts. Can you help me, please?
(a) Sure. Can I help you?
(b) I'm sorry. I don't want to.
(c) Sure. Can you walk?
2. I'm looking for a book about swimming. Do you have any?
(a) Sure. They're over there.
(b) Sure. I don't like to swim.
(c) Sure. We go swimming every day.
3. How much are these?
(a) They don't have much.
(b) Two thousand won.
(c) It's three thousand won.

1. Fill in the blanks. Use the words from the box.
□ him □ her □ some juice □ a present
Miso is thirsty. Can you give ?
It's Kevin's birthday today. So Max gives .
2. Circle the correct words.
We don't have ( some / any ) apples, but we have ( some / any ) bananas.
A: Do you have ( some / any ) pencils?
B: No, but I have ( some / any ) pens.
D Read the text and do questions 1,2, and 3.
Max is not smart and he is very big, so kids laugh at him. He does not have any friends. Then, a new boy arrives. His name is Kevin. Kevin is very smart. He is like Einstein, but he cannot walk or run. He is also very small. Kids are not kind to Kevin because .
1. 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 골라 봅시다.
(a) he is different
(b) he is very big
(c) he is not smart
(d) he is not kind to them
2. Why do kids laugh at Max?
It is because he .
3. Who is Kevin like?
He .


  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수25페이지
  • 등록일2013.01.12
  • 저작시기2009.4
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#948862
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