정부와 개인_ 정부는 개인의 행동에 개입할 권리가 있다_영문 레포트
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정부와 개인_ 정부는 개인의 행동에 개입할 권리가 있다_영문 레포트에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Title:The government-a vital administrator for the peaceful society

1. Introduction: Introduction of the essay with quotes&examples

2. Body
2-1)Reason1 and supporting details:Each person has a duty to do one's best for the development of the society
2-2)Reason2 and supporting details:There is no individual behavior that doesn't have any effect on society
2-3)Reason3 and supporting details:We need supervisors to make society be on the right path

3.Conclusion: Summarization&personal opinion


ents can regulate people smoking: smokers are not following the social duty making their health worse. They should be healthy to be a worker for the society. Secondly, they are giving bad effects on society while they think it is the only problem of their own health. It is causing people harm not only by secondhand smoking but also by decreasing the birthrate. It was scientifically proved that smoking is harmful for having a baby both for men and women. For men, decreased sperm is attributable to smoking and for women, smoking increases the possibility of ectopic pregnancy. Lastly, smokers wouldn't notice how bad the effects are not only for themselves but also for the whole society if the government doesn't administrate them. Thus,
The government-a vital administrator for the peaceful society
the role of government informing and prohibiting negative things is crucial for our
society. Society can be developed when individuals and governments keep each other in check. Therefore, government should supervise individual and control them if it is necessary while individuals keep their eyes on the government too because a government can abuse its authority to manipulate the nation.
  • 가격1,900
  • 페이지수6페이지
  • 등록일2016.10.10
  • 저작시기2013.5
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#1011280
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