Unit 19. Offense - Reading Text
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Unit 19. Offense - Reading Text에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.




vulnerable flanks, gaps in lines, or lulls in enemy fire. When they cannot readily find a weakness, they create one with suppressive fire and the surprise effect of its suddenly coming from an unexpected direction.
(6) Maneuver to exploit the weakness. Leaders must exploit this weakness by moving to the best covered and concealed position and then assaulting to destroy, defeat, or capture the enemy.
(7) Consolidate and reorganize. Finally, platoons and squads must quickly consolidate the position to defend it against an enemy counterattack. Units then reorganize themselves and prepare to continue the mission.
e. Control Measures. Leaders use graphic control measures to regulate or direct the platoon's movement, positions, and fire.
(1) Control measures are not intended to restrict the exercise of initiative (the function of command). Leaders use control measures to clarify their intent, focus the platoon or squad effort, and ensure synchronization. Each control measure should have a specific purpose that contributes to mission accomplishment. If a control measure fails the purpose test, leaders should not use it.
(2) Control measures can be drawn on a map, overlay, sketch, or a terrain model. Leaders should strive to keep control measures easily identifiable and simple. Graphic control measures in the offense include assembly area, attack position, line of departure, boundaries, route, release point, start point, axis of advance, direction of attack, phase line, check point, assault position, objective, contact point, linkup point, infiltration lane, probable line of deployment, and limit of advance. FM 101-5-1 descusses these control measures in detail and provides examples of their use.
f. Attacks During Limited Visibility. Attacks during limited visibility achieve surprise, avoid heavy losses, cause panic in a weak and disorganized enemy, exploit success, maintain momentum, and keep pressure on the enemy. platoons and squads attack whenever possible during limited visibility. Darkness, fog, heavy rain, falling snow, and the smoke and dust of combat create limited visibility conditions that allow infantry platoons and squads to move undetected.
(1) Fundamentals. The fundamentals for a daylight attack apply to limited visibility attacks. Limited visibility attacks require-
Well-trained squads.
Natural light sufficient to employ night vision devices.
A simple consept with sufficient control measures.
Detailed, successful reconnaissance of the objective, routes, passage points, support-by-fire positions, and other key locations.
(2) Considerations. Leaders must consider the increased difficulty during limited visibility operations in performing the following:
Controlling the movement of individuals and squads.
Identifying targets and controlling direct and indirect fires.
Navigating and moving.
Identifying friendly and enemy soldiers.
Locating, treating, and evacuating casualties.
Locating and bypassing or breaching enemy obstacles.
  • 가격1,000
  • 페이지수10페이지
  • 등록일2014.09.29
  • 저작시기2009.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#939455
본 자료는 최근 2주간 다운받은 회원이 없습니다.
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