Unit 20. Defense -Reading Text
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Unit 20. Defense -Reading Text에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


squad reinforced with machine guns and antiarmor weapons.
(7) Leaders place obstacles below the crest of the hill on the friendly side. Tied in with an FPF, this can be effective in stopping or slowing an assault.
(8) The conduct of the defense from a reverse slope is the same as from a forward slope. However, the OPs forward of the position not only warn of the enemy's advance but also delay, deceive, and disorganize him by fire. OPs withdraw before they become engaged by the enemy. If machine guns are with the OPs, they withdraw first so they can occupy their primary fighting positions before the enemy reaches the crest. As the OPs withdraw, indirect fire is placed on the forward slope and on the crest of the hill to slow the enemy's advance. Soldier in primary positions hold their fire until the enemy crosses the crest. As the enemy moves over the crest of the hill, the defenders hit him with all available fire.
(9) When the enemy assaults across the crest and is defeated, he will try to turn, bypass, or envelop the defense. To counter this, the overwatch element orients its fires to the flanks of the forward slope. Also, the defense must have appropriate supplementary positions and obstacles, as well as security elements, to warn if the enemy tries to envelop or bypass the position. Against armored, motorized, or road-bound attack, commanders and leaders should position antiarmor weapons and machine guns so their primary sectors are to the flanks of the reverse slope.
  • 가격1,000
  • 페이지수7페이지
  • 등록일2014.09.29
  • 저작시기2009.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#939467
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