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e across the East River. Roebling was already a famous engineer who had built several bridges. He had also invented the steel cable and used it to build several bridges.
The City of New York decided to give him a chance to build the bridge across the East River. Roebling's son, Washington, who was also an engineer, worked with his father, John Roebling sent Washington to Europe to study some new bridges there. He stayed in New York, working hard on the palns for the new bridge.
① Roebling had built several bridges.
② Roebling had invented the steel cable.
③ Roebling sent his son to Europe to
study the bridges.
④ Washington did not want to study in Europe.
⑤ The City of New York allowed
Roebling to build the bridge across the East River.
32. 다음 글에서 사람들이 다리의 건설이 불가능하다고 생각한 이유를 30자 내외의 우리말로 쓰시오. 하
The boats were slow, and in bad weather it sometimes took several hours to make the trip. People began talking about building a bridge across the East River.
But could such a bridge be built? Even then, New York was a major port city. Shipping was very important. A bridge across the East River would have to be high enough for ships to sail beneath it.
But the river was nearly a mile wide and the river bottom was bridge. Many people thought it was too soft to support a long, high bridge. They said it was impossible to build a bridge across the East River.
1. ①2. ⑤3. ① 4. ③
5. without6. ④7. ⑤8. play
9. That car was being driven by a pretty woman.
10. the other
11. ③12. ①13. ③14. ⑤15. ③
16. separate, from, fill, with
17. ③, ②, ①18. ①19. ②,⑤,③,④,①
20. rest21. to support a long bridge
22. without his wife's help, the bridge would not have been built
23. beautiful than any other bridge in America
24. ⑤25. ③26. ②27. ④ 28. ⑤
29. ①30. ②31. ④
32. 지반이 너무 약해서 길고 높은 다리를 버틸 수 없다고 생각했기 때문


without,   the other,   rest,   enthusiasm
  • 가격1,300
  • 페이지수8페이지
  • 등록일2006.12.06
  • 저작시기1999.1
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#380558
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