[영어스피치] Informative speech _ Jeju Island
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[영어스피치] Informative speech _ Jeju Island에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


INTRODUCTION - attention getter technique : rhetorical questions
BODY - organization : Topical
CONCLUSION - closer technique


ed two main tourist attrations 한라Mt. and 천지연 waterfall.
I.In conclusion, Jeju Island is the perfect getaway destination for travelers to Korea, and it has unique symbols and attractions that have natural beauty.
Perhaps now you are more informed about Jeju island.
II. Summary
III. Closer
Why don’t you go on a trip to a paradise island Jeju this summer? I thank you for your time and listening.
  • 가격3,500
  • 페이지수3페이지
  • 등록일2010.04.04
  • 저작시기2009.5
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#596279
본 자료는 최근 2주간 다운받은 회원이 없습니다.
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